Monday, May 13, 2013

RSS Questions

1 Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
I picked these sites because i like them and/or they interest me.
2 Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
No because most places don't have a very clear labeled rss feed3 Which sites were your favorites?,, and the doctor who blog.4 What else can you use RSS feeds for?
You can use it to organize massive feeds of information.5 How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
Not likely at all, I'd rather visit the sites themselves.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tech Article 5/3

This week, I'm showing off the military's newest innovation for the soldier on the front. A company called Raython is developing a suit of armour for the military to use for moving heavy things. it can manipulate the wearers strength to about 17 times that of normal. Its main costs are about $150,000 a suit and these have been in production since 2010. Here is the main article for it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wiki ideas

History of Xbox
Xbox (Original)

  • First ideas of company
  • release games
  • biggest game on system overall
Xbox 360

  • Follow up ideas/innovation
  • Release Games 
  • Year of release
  • biggest games overall
Xbox 720

  • Speculation
  • innovations
  • release date/games
  • Microsofts' plans for the future of Xbox

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tech Article 4/12

Do you know why airlines ask you to turn off transmitting signals? It's because of people like Hugo Teso, a German security official that was once a hacker. He had developed an android app called planeSpilot to pretty much override and disorient the pilot and crew. It also has a few presets, like go to here, which is used to input a direction or destination, or the ever so ominous visit ground. Aside from that, he could also change speed and direction with the flick of a wrist. As of now there is no way of stopping a cyber attack from inside an airplane, or from a phone.

click here for original article>>

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break 2013

This year for spring break, I went to Myrtle Beach. The weather wasn't too good, seeing that it rained almost the entire trip. Our hotel was right on the beach and had a great view of the ocean. My only regret was that it was mostly house hunting instead of an actual vacation, but I don't mind it as long as im out of here by summer.
Welcome To The Market Common, Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tech article 3/15

Thursday, Samsung had shown off its latest piece of tech in the Samsung Galaxy 4. This revolutionary smartphone may change the market entirely. It consists of a new feature, called Smart Scroll, which with a tilt of the screen sends the page up or down. You can even wave a hand in front of the camera up or down to scroll as well. The phone also has a new system called Group Play, which is pretty much a wifi based gaming platform for the phone, and a new camera mode called Dual Camera. In this mode, it will simultaneously take a picture of both something in the rear camera, say a basketball shot, and the front or face camera to get an image of your reaction and save the two as one photo. The screen of the new Galaxy is now larger than that of the iPhone 5 and all of this should cost about $200, like all of the smartphones Samsung has made. With news of this, Apple has been in panic with this unveiling of the phone and is working diligently either forming another lawsuit saying its their idea, or working on the next iPhone like they should. Click here for the article.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tech article

This past week, there was a hacking that had gone on through our systems in the pacific. China had sent a worm through the system and had remotely shut down an American oil rig. American government officials are working towards a safer network against hackers.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Time Travel

If I were to go back in time, I would go to the 1980's. I honestly think I should just go there to live the life of a teenager back then. i definetly wouldn't stay in Wood-Ridge though, i think i would go to Vegas or California because those were big places to be back then. I would go back just to go with the flow and live life how it shouldve been all along, Rock and Roll, not rap or pop or dubstep or whatever it is today, I belong in the yesteryear.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tech article 2/22

This Wednesday, Sony will be unveiling its newest gaming system, the PlayStation 4. since the PlayStation 2 came out in 2000, Sony has had a hard time keeping up with its own sales and are slowly wavering. Sony has been looking to be the latest and greatest thing in gaming in a long time and this may be their big break. Check it out here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Do Now 2/19

I would change the schedule completely for always having half days and have a block schedule all week and have two periods a day, and take math, science, history, English, foreign languages, and health plus an array of electives to take as well. it would be easier on the students, they would have more time to do their homework and still go outside or play games or whatever they please. teachers get plenty of time to grade work and homework and have a life as well

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tech article 2/15

This week, Verizon is stepping up to try and help their customers by reviewing apps that may cause an over usage of data, battery life, and other things that might make the customers gripe about bad service or high monthly bills. One of the apps getting high remarks is Angry Birds because of its very low effect on battery life. Other big apps, like Doodle Jump are in a very bad way with the company because they get the calls of angry customers, not the app makers.<a href="">Click here for the original article.</a>

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What I did over the weekend

File:M1903 Springfield - USA - 30-06 - Armémuseum.jpgThis weekend was mostly staying home with my dad. Its pretty quiet there most of the time, but this weekend we watched <a href="">Argo</a>, a movie about the hostage situation in Iran in the 1970's. above is a trailer for the movie. I also started trying to restore my great grandfather's WWI Springfield rifle. Below is a picture of the rifle in top condition. All in a, it was a slow weekend for me.File:M1903 Springfield - USA - 30-06 - Armémuseum.jpg

Thursday, February 7, 2013

favorite resturant

My favorite restaurant is Ellen's Stardust Diner in NYC. they are a group of singing waitstaff that have great food too, along with the dinner show they do every few minutes. Click here to take a look

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First post

Welcome to my blog. Im interested in weapon technologies and hate doing the same thing twice in a day. I mostly sit back and relax and watch the day go by.